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Around the World Tour:
December 2009
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Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Exams period...
just done with 1 paper today. two more to come.... im already super super duper jaded. exams make me FAT. cos when i'm stressed. i will binge! stressed really equal to DESSERTS. so sickening...i can like eat min 5 to 8 meals a day...aaaahhhhhhh! worst is my face is plagued by acne!! first time in my life i'm having A-C-N-E. that's it. its the end...i heard from my fren. once it starts, it wont go! x.X ...NOooo...! im gonna do face scrub and put my mask on later.. anyways, mugging with johnny, ken and po is really lotsa fun. okay..yea..i know..im supposed to be mugging. not having fun... but they sometimes really full of nonsense. after exams when i have the time, im gonna upload photos to show u guys the nonsense im talking about. haha... till then, good luck to those who are mugging hard for your papers. all the best. do your best and let god do the rest. GBY~
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
G factor.
Btw. i think i forgot to mention. if u guys watched the show Monga carefully. Actually "monk" is gay. Cos everytime "dragon" is with his gf. monk will get emo. and they bathed tgt and the last part the way he touched dragon's face. epic. and throughout the whole story. everything Monk did was for dragon only. even though he wanted revenge for his dad. he couldn't bring himself to hurt dragon.
![]() I miss you i miss you i miss you i miss you!! Why do i miss you so damn very much? Argh!
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Im finally done with all my assignments. i bit relieved. but im still panicking cos i only left 1 week to study for my exam papers. ahhh! so stressed. leepeng might not be able to blog as much for some time.
anyways, watched MONGA 艋舺 yesterday. It wasn't as nice as i expected it to be. the plot is kinda predictable. but yea. i enjoyed the 80's clothes. the clothes that they wore were so cute. like "Ah-Go-Go". hahah..
![]() ![]() the wimpy guy called "Dragon" in the show was super cute. somehow i felt he looked a bit like one of my cousins when my cousin was younger. have you guys ever felt this way? hoping that someone special will turn up for your special occasion but that someone never did. its sad.. you are my very own brand of heroin. I'm sorry I'm currently on rehab. don't get me addicted to you again.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
(: .... ):
This is my sister. ![]() and.. she is using my lappy at starbucks trying to choing her assignment. but before that we were on an important auntified mission to get nice bag. hahaha.. nonsense right. i just wanted to intro you guys my sister. ![]() we were on the way home and it started pouring. although from the picture above it is not clear, the place we were standing at was actually very VERY flooded. i was glad to have wore my wedges which allowed me to avoid the flood. however, my sister's shoes were flooded. sad. back to today. went for bryan's jazz...and im so in love with him. he is a very good instructor and most importantly he is serious yet humorous. really enjoyed dancing in his class. i bet everyone did and fell in love with dancing with him too. work today was horrible. so many patients and jill didn't turn up. and i wasn't perfect. i dunno why everytime i talk about jill i will get angry. super irritated by her. forget it. peace off. and jess..dunno how to say her also. there are things we warn her about she never heed. there always a reason behind my frustration to try and advice her to do something. cos somethings cannot be said straight-forth. if i would have said long time ago. just listen. if not you will regret. ended my day tired and emotional.
Friday, April 9, 2010
Cough Cough~
ahh..! my throat is so irritating. everything is better but that nagging dry cough is irritating me to the core.
but nothing beats my poor honey. he got into a freak accident at work. the glass panel shattered on him. my poor monster now got so many cuts on his body. heart pain ![]() but im glad his dad and him are alright. no major injuries. got one of the the glass almost cut his eye..lucky it was near but not in the eye. *Hugs* get well soon my monster. ![]() btw, this is my cousin from auzzie. he's andrew. stop wondering. he's a Chindian(chinese-indian). isn't he cute? ahaha..he is going to tibet to climb mountain and he stopped over at Singapore to visit us. how sweet~ so we decided to bring he and his friends around singapore to explore. we brought them to sentosa where this photo were taken. took many more photos but havent uploaded cause they are in another cam. i bet he took even more photos in his precious canon camera. haha.. miss my cousins. wondering when will all the cousins ever have a chance to come together..its difficult. but not impossible. i wish..i wish..
Thursday, April 8, 2010
"yay". im sick.
been sleeping 2 days in a row and waking up to eat and go back sleep again. enjoy life right? not exactly, been feeling very tired and drowsy all the time. my head like a coconut split opened. super heavy and pain. get well soon man.. so irritating getting sick so frequently.): will be back soon again.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
im staying at home. angst.
sometimes it does not pay to be nice to others. cause they will only take advantage of things and create more trouble for you. irritated to the MAX! |